Thursday, December 13, 2012

Descriptive as MEOW!

Sitting lazily on my bed-side table he looks at me with a calm sense of humor, and sleepiness, as I turn around,almost as if he knew this was about him. He flicks his brown-black striped ears, and tries to lick the white cross of fur on his face, which extends down his neck and throughout his belly (which i might add is quite big. He is one fat cat)  and surrounding his legs and arms. He slides down the side of the couch, meow-yawns, and walks unto my bed and lies down as if he owned the place.

Most of the time he is sleeping in the middle of a walkway, laying  on your typing hand,outside begging neighbors for food, or begging the giant monsters to feed him or give him his favorite treat.. the milk. (notice the "the" in front of milk, he takes this quite seriously you know), if he manages to look pitiful enough or annoy the sh*t out of anyone near the kitchen, that is. His day consists of:

1. Sleeping
2. Eating
4. Begging to go outside
5. Begging to go inside
6. Begging to outside again
7. Begging to inside again
8. Begging to outside AGAIN
9. Begging to inside AGAIN
10. Eating
11. Pleading for milk
12. Drinking (milk of course)
13. Drinking from my bathroom facet
14. Annoying me while I write this...

He loves to be picked up, since he is so heavy and can hardly climb trees anymore, but not in public or in front of his cat-friends.When picked up he will proceed to do, two, things. Kick and squirm until you understand that no matter what you do, you will not win. Or. Slump into your embrace and start purring. The great rumbling had to have been a miniature rocket launch, its so loud! He will only let you picking him up after you play a game of tag or hid'n'go seek with him, but he will always wander into a room filled with guests looking nonchalant and unworried. Then, he attracts all the attention the room has to offer, order a milk-to-go and strut away.

His mother, Stinky (named after her farts and the tendency to roll in dirt), will scold him with a stoke of her paw. She is pure white with yellow eyes that he inherited. Ohhhh! he just walked on my laptop. I almost forgot to tell you his name: John Frederick Shilling III or "jon jon" or "baby jon" for short.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012



I sit dainty they say
With a bow upon my chest

Ooohh the rumbles
They love the rumbles
Should I?

They patter round an' round
Mocking me
Since they know their fear is gone
And so are my swords

My spotted Armour shields me
From the daggers of the cold
But also betrays me
To the eyes of man

I could kill them...
Play perhaps?
Only a bit

They taunt me
My helmet's horns
They think i'm a toy....

                                                                                                                       Artist: Anna Vought


A train wreck of nerves
Stumbles in
Pat Pat Pat
The wolf king
He left
His now destroyed home

Last of six
Or so he thought...

Wet and hungry
He offers a link
2 links
In fact

Both broken
By a lion
And his arrows
He thought he was the last
5 remain
                                                                      Photo courtesy of: andrew.perucho


I rummage
In my chest of Legos
For the smallest fragments

I snatch
In both hands

And collide them
My hands,
And the fragments
In less than an instant
New bricks for foundation
Are discovered

Though quickly the are gone

I search and investigate
The rug?

Under the bed?

Where'd they go?

I'll just ask daddy Hadron for more...

                                                        Photo courtesy of: Sharon Drummond

These poems have no designated purpose but to be there and not suck. the first poem might seem so obvious until you see the picture. the art is a gateway for you guys to understand if you hadn't already. the title for that poem, I got from the look cats give you, when you start bothering them. right before the low grumble. The second poem is an Allusion the the book series game of thrones, book 3. it is understood extremely well if you have read the series recently. also, I might have forgotten to add some verses referencing the host of the marriage. The last poem is a personification of the Hadron Collider and the difficulty to discovering the Higgs Boson. It also, sort of brings me back to my early childhood.

Monday, October 15, 2012

This I believe

Have you ever been saved by the bell? Getting that last bit of homework done or just getting there on time? Can't wait for the food to be ready while your starving? Can't wait for the weekend, or the end of the school day?
All these moments and more you wish time would fly by like it does when you are having fun or wishing something would never end. Yet it seems to go by in flash only if you are having fun. Time slows down when you want to it fly by and it quickens when you wish it lasted a few moments longer.
It is a peculiar THING we cannot place our mind around. Some people think of it as the forth dimension but it is not... or it is? I don't know, no one can explain what it is.

Yet we think we can measure and control it in simple ways. like procrastinating: "Yeah I'll do it in sec." Or "We have plenty of time, we can do it later." It has happened to me several times, in which I am trying to control- Wait that is the wrong word, how about "predict"- the outcome of events, but it just doesn't work out. Time sort of has a mind of its own. After reading this you are going to spend o few moments of your life thinking over time as brand new constraint that was and now is, yet it always was and will always be. Time.

Confusing as hell. people try wrap their mind around it and become lost in a world of contradictions. Time is infinite. What are we compared to it? We are a speck, a blip, in all of existence, but somehow at time it seems to stretch and elongate. At other times it will force itself upon you and through your life. It will make you wish you could undo what you've done, but it  is pointless to think in "what if's". You can't go back. Time is a force. the only point to think in "what if's" is only if you have a time machine and that I doubt.

I believe time is not understandable and a force we can't possibly control. I believe time waits for no man, weather or not he falls in his grave is up to him.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Modern Human Problems

Human Regression

 People cooperate only to a certain extent. they will work together to complete a common goal, but no more. Though there are always exceptions, people will always end up backstabbing each other for personal gain. Albeit for tangible objects or personal matters.

Cooperative animals are few and far between. Humans are obliged to be, since we’re so weak and wambly that we cannot survive alone. But we don’t love cooperating.
   -"Are you a punisher, or an observer" HannahHolmes 

 It took human several thousands of years to understand our strength is in our numbers. But somehow that is no longer the case. The overall power resides in a few individuals, like government officials and leaders. where as in the most prosperous societies where each individual was gifted with certain liberties and power, like the early river valley civilization Egypt and Indian anti-war empires such as the Mauri and the Gaupta empires. Even though both of these had all powerful leaders, they managed to construct a government in which each individual has rights and some power over their lives.

But now-a-days we are tax paying sacks of meat, that the government tries to keep dumb and complacent. The government instead of trying to encourage education and technology, tries to control us like herders of sheep. They make sure we learn what they want us to learn and remember what they want us to remember. To them education is a tool of control.

I remember watching a Ted talk over education that I highly recommend seeing. ( He talks about how the core classes are more important than artistic and creativity based classes. He also goes over how they would give an overly active person in the school, pills instead of finding an activity suitable for him. Again I highly recommend seeing this.( 

Part reason I think the education system is based on classes, based on memorization, and the use of the side of the brain, that works linearly and meticulously is that:

a) people working and living a linear life are predictable.
b) the creative side of the brain asks why, instead of following instructions.
c) the side of the brain you use in school, is the linear, correct side. if you exercise this part of your brain more and the creative side less and you will eventually loose good use of your creative side, making you more obedient.

The problem with this, is that eventually, innovation and invention will end up at a stand still. No one, ever, will ever create anything new. This is caused by the way we are educated. We are educated in such a way, that making mistakes is something bad. That going out, planning to fail, is stupid and will never lead to success. Do you think the Wright brothers' plane flew perfectly the first time? Do you think Thomas Edison's first lightbulb worked?

Even now some major inventions are not getting the attention and even are being suppressed because it jeopardizes some overly-pompous rich-guy's money. Like nuclear fusion. What do you think when I say that? Nuclear bomb, nuclear power plant, Japan. But you are wrong. What you are thinking, is nuclear fission. The division of an atom that releases energy and 2 or more products. The waste from nuclear power plants is radioactive. The waste from Nuclear fusion is helium, a gas that make you sound high pitched and is put in balloons.

Though a Fusion power plant called ITER is being built in Cadarache, France. It won't be finished until around 2020. So it will be a long wait until the age of fossil fuels starts to witness its end. While we wait, lets not kill ourselves will giant missiles, governments and military like to wave around, OK?

Thursday, September 13, 2012


this is a secret. identity is not required. comment on anything and watch a new story unfold
image, courtesy of eric vondy
eric vondyi