Thursday, September 27, 2012

Modern Human Problems

Human Regression

 People cooperate only to a certain extent. they will work together to complete a common goal, but no more. Though there are always exceptions, people will always end up backstabbing each other for personal gain. Albeit for tangible objects or personal matters.

Cooperative animals are few and far between. Humans are obliged to be, since we’re so weak and wambly that we cannot survive alone. But we don’t love cooperating.
   -"Are you a punisher, or an observer" HannahHolmes 

 It took human several thousands of years to understand our strength is in our numbers. But somehow that is no longer the case. The overall power resides in a few individuals, like government officials and leaders. where as in the most prosperous societies where each individual was gifted with certain liberties and power, like the early river valley civilization Egypt and Indian anti-war empires such as the Mauri and the Gaupta empires. Even though both of these had all powerful leaders, they managed to construct a government in which each individual has rights and some power over their lives.

But now-a-days we are tax paying sacks of meat, that the government tries to keep dumb and complacent. The government instead of trying to encourage education and technology, tries to control us like herders of sheep. They make sure we learn what they want us to learn and remember what they want us to remember. To them education is a tool of control.

I remember watching a Ted talk over education that I highly recommend seeing. ( He talks about how the core classes are more important than artistic and creativity based classes. He also goes over how they would give an overly active person in the school, pills instead of finding an activity suitable for him. Again I highly recommend seeing this.( 

Part reason I think the education system is based on classes, based on memorization, and the use of the side of the brain, that works linearly and meticulously is that:

a) people working and living a linear life are predictable.
b) the creative side of the brain asks why, instead of following instructions.
c) the side of the brain you use in school, is the linear, correct side. if you exercise this part of your brain more and the creative side less and you will eventually loose good use of your creative side, making you more obedient.

The problem with this, is that eventually, innovation and invention will end up at a stand still. No one, ever, will ever create anything new. This is caused by the way we are educated. We are educated in such a way, that making mistakes is something bad. That going out, planning to fail, is stupid and will never lead to success. Do you think the Wright brothers' plane flew perfectly the first time? Do you think Thomas Edison's first lightbulb worked?

Even now some major inventions are not getting the attention and even are being suppressed because it jeopardizes some overly-pompous rich-guy's money. Like nuclear fusion. What do you think when I say that? Nuclear bomb, nuclear power plant, Japan. But you are wrong. What you are thinking, is nuclear fission. The division of an atom that releases energy and 2 or more products. The waste from nuclear power plants is radioactive. The waste from Nuclear fusion is helium, a gas that make you sound high pitched and is put in balloons.

Though a Fusion power plant called ITER is being built in Cadarache, France. It won't be finished until around 2020. So it will be a long wait until the age of fossil fuels starts to witness its end. While we wait, lets not kill ourselves will giant missiles, governments and military like to wave around, OK?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Francisco:

    I loved your post, Modern Human Problems, because of your explanation on why the modern school system is based on memorization, and your explanation and examples of Nuclear fission. One sentence you wrote that stands out to me is "This is caused by the way we are educated. We are educated in such a way, that making mistakes is something bad. That going out, planning to fail, is stupid and will never lead to success. Do you think the Wright brothers' plane flew perfectly the first time? Do you think Thomas Edison's first lightbulb worked?" This sentence stood out to me because your realization is true, and I also believe that there should be room for mistakes in the modern education system. But, I don't agree with you on your views on the government, and the fact that we are "meat-sacks." I say this because I believe that the government doesn't control and suppress invention, as new, independent inventions are appearing daily. Another reason I disagree with you is because education is not a tool of government control, it is a way to gain freedom and independence of society. Thanks for your writing. I look forward to see what you write next due to your independent and forward-thinking insight. I will come back to your blog mostly because of your involvement of current technologies, but I will also return to see your independent and insightful outlook on the government.

    Tag Garibay
