Tuesday, January 22, 2013


 The Game of Thrones Book Series. The book revolves around the lives of a soon-to-be separated, family the Starks. It is a five book, fiction series. I do not recommend it to young readers as it is explicit, but i highly recommend it to "Seasoned" readers. I warn you it is a FICTION series, even thought one can believe it is non-fiction in a different land. It contains, some, mythical creatures, but to my discontent not often mentioned. As they are not involved in much action in most of the book.

The series is long and meaty. It is not soooo descriptive as to drive to a dreamless sleep, but not so action prone as to keep you on your toes. The book in itself is a huge cliff hanger as it changes from character to character after each chapter. It gives a sense of time. The writer ,needless to say, makes sure some characters (even the ones you love) have a bad ending, which sort of makes the book stand out from most.

Lastly the series is one where it does not require your full attention AT ALL TIMES as it help you remember what happened in a sort of passive way. The book is mainly about kingdom in which one king  has not ruled for a long time as each one gets immediately replaced by another every so often. There are several claims to the throne, a Giant Frozen Wall manned by street rats and criminals which must protect the kingdom from the Wildlings and a far more older and dangerous power. Dragons are on the rise.

1 comment:

  1. Francisco,

    I loved your description and review of the Game of Thrones series. One line that I really liked was: "The series is long and meaty. It is not soooo descriptive as to drive to a dreamless sleep, but not so action prone as to keep you on your toes. The book in itself is a huge cliff hanger as it changes from character to character after each chapter. It gives a sense of time. The writer ,needless to say, makes sure some characters (even the ones you love) have a bad ending, which sort of makes the book stand out from most." I liked your description because you accurately described the premise and action of the series while being funny and adding this pathos to invoke a feeling of fun and happiness in the reader whilst being serious. I am definitely convinced to read the Game of Thrones books after reading your review

