Thursday, December 13, 2012

Descriptive as MEOW!

Sitting lazily on my bed-side table he looks at me with a calm sense of humor, and sleepiness, as I turn around,almost as if he knew this was about him. He flicks his brown-black striped ears, and tries to lick the white cross of fur on his face, which extends down his neck and throughout his belly (which i might add is quite big. He is one fat cat)  and surrounding his legs and arms. He slides down the side of the couch, meow-yawns, and walks unto my bed and lies down as if he owned the place.

Most of the time he is sleeping in the middle of a walkway, laying  on your typing hand,outside begging neighbors for food, or begging the giant monsters to feed him or give him his favorite treat.. the milk. (notice the "the" in front of milk, he takes this quite seriously you know), if he manages to look pitiful enough or annoy the sh*t out of anyone near the kitchen, that is. His day consists of:

1. Sleeping
2. Eating
4. Begging to go outside
5. Begging to go inside
6. Begging to outside again
7. Begging to inside again
8. Begging to outside AGAIN
9. Begging to inside AGAIN
10. Eating
11. Pleading for milk
12. Drinking (milk of course)
13. Drinking from my bathroom facet
14. Annoying me while I write this...

He loves to be picked up, since he is so heavy and can hardly climb trees anymore, but not in public or in front of his cat-friends.When picked up he will proceed to do, two, things. Kick and squirm until you understand that no matter what you do, you will not win. Or. Slump into your embrace and start purring. The great rumbling had to have been a miniature rocket launch, its so loud! He will only let you picking him up after you play a game of tag or hid'n'go seek with him, but he will always wander into a room filled with guests looking nonchalant and unworried. Then, he attracts all the attention the room has to offer, order a milk-to-go and strut away.

His mother, Stinky (named after her farts and the tendency to roll in dirt), will scold him with a stoke of her paw. She is pure white with yellow eyes that he inherited. Ohhhh! he just walked on my laptop. I almost forgot to tell you his name: John Frederick Shilling III or "jon jon" or "baby jon" for short.