Monday, October 15, 2012

This I believe

Have you ever been saved by the bell? Getting that last bit of homework done or just getting there on time? Can't wait for the food to be ready while your starving? Can't wait for the weekend, or the end of the school day?
All these moments and more you wish time would fly by like it does when you are having fun or wishing something would never end. Yet it seems to go by in flash only if you are having fun. Time slows down when you want to it fly by and it quickens when you wish it lasted a few moments longer.
It is a peculiar THING we cannot place our mind around. Some people think of it as the forth dimension but it is not... or it is? I don't know, no one can explain what it is.

Yet we think we can measure and control it in simple ways. like procrastinating: "Yeah I'll do it in sec." Or "We have plenty of time, we can do it later." It has happened to me several times, in which I am trying to control- Wait that is the wrong word, how about "predict"- the outcome of events, but it just doesn't work out. Time sort of has a mind of its own. After reading this you are going to spend o few moments of your life thinking over time as brand new constraint that was and now is, yet it always was and will always be. Time.

Confusing as hell. people try wrap their mind around it and become lost in a world of contradictions. Time is infinite. What are we compared to it? We are a speck, a blip, in all of existence, but somehow at time it seems to stretch and elongate. At other times it will force itself upon you and through your life. It will make you wish you could undo what you've done, but it  is pointless to think in "what if's". You can't go back. Time is a force. the only point to think in "what if's" is only if you have a time machine and that I doubt.

I believe time is not understandable and a force we can't possibly control. I believe time waits for no man, weather or not he falls in his grave is up to him.